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Comprehensive Brings Wound Care Training to Hospital Teams

All hospitals have patients with wounds. Whether caused by surgery, trauma, diabetes, pressure, vascular disease or other reasons, wounds are interesting to some and challenging to others. Wound care education has advanced and now large professional societies like the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, the Wound Healing Society, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse Society (just to name a few) have large annual conferences that offer excellent education.

But still, physicians and nurses not focused on making wound care their career tend to not go to those conferences. An article in the professional magazine “Wound Repair Regeneration” (2004;12(2):129-133) by F. Gottrup titled “Optimizing wound treatment through healthcare structuring and professional education” highlights the problem that education about chronic wounds is lacking in the curriculum of medical students worldwide.

For that reason, Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions brings on-site wound care education to all members of the team and offers outcome driven education throughout the year to help teams excel allowing hospitals to self-manage their wound care program with focused consultation.

Arnie Klaus